English translation for "blasted lands"
- 诅咒之地
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Alternatively , follow the quest line you get outside the dark portal on the blasted lands side 另外,跟随你在诅咒之地黑暗之门外面接到的任务链也是一个不错的选择。 | | 2. | Alternatively , follow the quest line you get outside the dark portal on the blasted lands side 另外,跟随你在诅咒之地黑暗之门外面接到的任务链也是一vrst错的选择。 | | 3. | However with tbc , i would suggest moving to stormwind , due to being closer to blasted lands than ironforge 但是在燃烧的远征中,我会建议你把家安在暴风城,因为那里去诅咒之地更近。 | | 4. | Upholders of the holy light and defenders of the alliance , the paladins can be found from the northern forests of the tirisfal glades , fighting back the advance of the forsaken , to the southern reaches of the blasted lands , ceaselessly upholding their vigil against demonic forces from beyond the dark portal 作为圣光的拥有者和联盟的保卫者,圣骑士们在提瑞斯法林地的北部森林抵御着亡灵的入侵,在诅咒之地的南部警惕着来自黑暗之门的邪恶势力。 |
- Similar Words:
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