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English translation for "blasted lands"


Related Translations:
blasting cone:  爆破漏斗
blast pit:  排气井
blast preheater:  鼓风预热器
accretion blasting:  炉结爆破
blast requirement:  需要鼓风量
blast atomizer:  喷射雾化器
bulk blasting:  大爆破
blast roasting:  鼓风焙烧鼓风煅烧
blasting site:  爆破地点爆石工地燃爆工地;爆破工地
blasting compaction:  爆破压实土的爆炸压密
Example Sentences:
1.Alternatively , follow the quest line you get outside the dark portal on the blasted lands side
2.Alternatively , follow the quest line you get outside the dark portal on the blasted lands side
3.However with tbc , i would suggest moving to stormwind , due to being closer to blasted lands than ironforge
4.Upholders of the holy light and defenders of the alliance , the paladins can be found from the northern forests of the tirisfal glades , fighting back the advance of the forsaken , to the southern reaches of the blasted lands , ceaselessly upholding their vigil against demonic forces from beyond the dark portal
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